Interactive Entertainment Ideas for your Wedding
30 August 2017
The best bit about getting married in Devon or Cornwall is undoubtedly the unrivalled castles and coastline available to couples from across the south coast. Naturally, it would be a shame if friends and family from across the UK came together to celebrate your wedding in these surroundings without even talking to one another and with our interactive entertainment, that doesn’t have to be the case! Without further ado then, here are some top interactive entertainment ideas for weddings. From garden games to gambling, there should be something for everyone!
Retro Games
We sadly said goodbye to Sir Bruce Forsyth a couple of weeks ago but why not honour the great showbiz personality by having a game of Play Your Cards Right at your wedding? With our retro games package, you can play host to a number of fun 80s and 90s gameshows that’ll have you rolling back the years. We don’t want to give you any tips to succeed but what we will say it that you should definitely remember: points win prizes!
Photo booth
There’s nothing quite like a photo booth to get people talking at your wedding and we actually highlighted the importance of hiring a photo booth in a previous blog. There’s not much that we can say to add to that particular article so we’ll simply give you the basics: they can be themed with various props, allow the bride and groom to receive a custom physical photo album of their big day and will have people laughing throughout the day! What more could you want?
Now before you read this paragraph, you might be thinking that there is no way at all that you’d want gambling at your special day. If Uncle Frank was to lose his house on a foolish bet placed at your wedding then you’d never hear the end of it. Please do not worry because no real cash is thrown around at our casinos; they’re simply fun way to win some cracking prizes! Played with ‘funny money’ it’s everything you could want from a casino trap without the risk of losing the clothes on your back.
Garden Games
“Roll up, roll up! Three rings for a paaahnd!” We’ve all heard the calls from across the fairground and on your wedding day why not have a few garden games to keep guests entertained during the official wedding photos? The good news is that you won’t need to hire a person to bring in the punters and ruin the atmosphere, simply lay the garden games on and enjoy watching your Auntie thrash your work colleague at croquet. Entertainment that money can’t buy!
“Take your partner by the hand…” There is nothing quite like a ceilidh and we love a good one at a wedding. Who doesn’t? A wonderful form of wedding entertainment, a ceilidh is the only form of music that can have your cousin dancing with your mate from down the pub. No prior knowledge is necessary and thankfully everything is easy enough that you can still follow the steps and moves after your first couple of drinks. A great choice for those who can’t choose between the DJ or wedding band!
For more information on any of these forms of entertainment, please get in touch using the contact details below.