5 Things Your Wedding Band Can Do for You
08 February 2017
Aside from the vows, the dress and maybe the guests – the ones you actually know anyway – your wedding band is the most important part of your day. After utilising entertainment in the best possible way at the church or other wedding venue of your choice, your wedding band finally return towards the end of the day to play the night away at the reception. But you don’t just want any old band playing any old song. You want a wedding band that feels unique to you. Here’s how you can ensure that you have a special performance on your big day.
Get Them to Change the Lyrics
So simple but oh so effective! Yes, you can simply ask for your wedding band to change the lyrics of your song! And by ‘your song’, we mean the song that is special to yourself and your partner, not Elton John’s classic, because to be honest that does not need changing at all. Okay, fine, I guess you can change it if you like. It is your wedding after all!
Request a Song
With a wedding band, requesting a song is a tad harder than with a wedding DJ. If you’re not the kind of person to plan too far ahead (you are planning a wedding so it seems unlikely), then you could hire a DJ for the evening (check out our ‘wedding band or DJ?’ blog if you’re facing that dilemma) and request a song with no doubt at all that your DJ will be able to play it, however with a wedding band, it takes a bit more planning. Make sure you get in contact in good time before the wedding itself and most wedding bands are more than happy to accommodate your request. Wonderful!
Dress Up
Although it’s not their favourite thing in the world, depending on the costume of course, wedding bands are occasionally asked to dress up to fit the theme of a wedding. Perhaps you’re a massive Alice in Wonderland fan wanting a trio of Mad Hatters or maybe you want them all dressed in pink. Whatever it is, it’s always worth asking to ensure that your wedding is exactly how you imagined it all those years ago!
Surprises at weddings always go down brilliantly but pulling this off requires either the bride or groom to contact the band in advance. Of course, that’s not always the case, as Maroon 5 simply turned up to a whole host of weddings without apparently telling anybody involved in any of them. Looking at that music video, everybody was very happy to see them and more importantly knew who Maroon 5 were, but most of the time we’d advise one half of the wedded couple being in on it and generally speaking a wedding band shouldn’t just do what they want to do. That’s not how it works, Adam Levine.
Write a Song
Okay, this is probably the most expensive option on the list but also, if you get it right, the one that puts your wedding far and away above everyone else’s in terms of romance. Yes, you could get together with the band in advance and write a song about your soon to be husband or wife. And then you sing it on the big day! The downsides to this plan include the fact that it may be horrendously cheesy and, err, there might be a reason you’re not fronting a band… But hey, we trust you and to be honest, if your partner enjoys it then it’s well worth doing!
If you’re looking for the perfect wedding band to help you with any of these five ideas, feel free to check out our blog or scour our music directory!